Endotracheal Tube Ringed with Cuff 7.0 mm

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  4. Endotracheal Tube Ringed with Cuff 7.0 mm

Reinforced orotracheal tube manufactured in medical grade PVC, graduated and curved polyvinyl chloride (PVC), with spiral for prolonged exposure. Used to obtain artificial airway management. Its atraumatic tip minimizes the risk of injury, with radiopaque line in all its extension to verify its position, inflatable balloon to seal the trachea and bronchi against leaks.

Content Characteristics

  • Curved tracheal tube graduated
  • Universal connection and standard measurement of 15 mm
  • Low pressure ball
  • Balloon inflated luer-slip valve
  • Radiopaca
  • Surgical steel spiral reinforcement
  • Atraumatic bevelled point with eye of murphy
 Presentation  Individual packaging / 10 units display
 Format  100 Units Box